Kim Christie is a Licensed Master Social Worker. She has experience in this field and provides workshops and lectures in Infant Mental Health; adoption/attachment therapy; individual, group, child & family therapy and Imago Relationship Therapy. Kim is a therapist to children of all ages who have dealt with or are dealing with trauma. This training will help foster parents with parenting techniques for children with all different types of trauma.
Trauma and Attachment Training with Kim Christie (2 training hours)
- Monday Feb 6, 2017 5pm-7pm- Howell
- Monday Feb. 13, 2017 5pm-7pm- Monroe
- Thursday Feb. 16, 2017 5pm -7pm- Sterling Heights
IEP/Special Education Training with Sara Kruz (2 training hours)
Sarah has experience working with the schools. She specialized in working with IEP’s, 504 Plans, and in the special education field. She can guide foster parents to working with the schools to make sure your child has the right educational plan in place. This training will be geared toward foster parents who would like to learn more about expectations during educational meetings with the schools and how to advocate for their foster children who may have developmental disabilities.
- Thursday March 2, 2017 5pm-7pm- Howell
- Saturday March 4, 2017 9am-11am- Monroe
- Thursday March 9, 2017 5pm -7pm- Sterling Heights
Legal Training with Vivek S. Sankaran (2 training hours)
Vivek is the Director, Child Advocacy Law Clinic, Child Welfare Appellate Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School. This training will focus on what foster parents should know for court and what to expect of the court system throughout a foster care case. In addition, it will help guide foster parents on how to communicate with everyone on their legal team such as the Guardian ad litem, or the Court appointed special advocates who may be working with the children.
- Monday April 10, 2017 5pm- 7pm- Sterling Heights
- Monday April 24, 2017 5pm-7pm- Howell