We assist families in adopting children who have been removed from their birth families and are waiting for permanent, loving and stable adoptive families. We work in conjunction with the foster care system in Michigan, and are also able to assist families with the adoption of children who are available for adoption in other states through an Interstate Compact. If you are interested in adopting a waiting child or sibling group through the State Adoption Program, please ask us for this specific information. It is important to note that older usually means at least school age. Children with varying degrees of physical/emotional/developmental needs also wait for adoptive families.
All children who have experienced neglect and/or abuse have been removed from their families and spent time in one or more temporary placements and are waiting to be adopted. They need adoptive families who are aware of their needs and who have the knowledge, ability and patience to meet those needs. We will work together with prospective adoptive families to help you determine if adopting a waiting child is right for you and your family, and what characteristics in children you feel best able to handle. Education and preparation is essential to successfully parenting any child, but is particularly vital when adopting a child(ren) with developmental disabilities. Training will be an important part of the process of becoming ready to adopt. We will assist you with preparation and training as well as assisting with the actual process of identifying a child and navigating through the adoption process.
Please contact our office at the toll-free number (844) 575-8001 to discuss your interest in adoption. You may also email the Senior Program Manager, Heather Anton, at [email protected].