Thank you for inquiring about Post-Adoption Services through F&CS Foster Care, Adoption and Counseling Services. To initiate the search process, please complete the following forms and email them to Amy L. Zauel at or mail them to:

F&CS Foster Care & Adoption Services
Attn: Amy Zauel
42140 Van Dyke Ave. Suite 110
Sterling Heights, MI 48314

  • Request for Post-Adoption Service Form, signed and dated
  • Application for Post-Adoption Services
  • Petition for Adoption Information Disclosure
  • Waiver of Confidentiality [age 18 and older, the adoptee waiver is required; under age 18, adoptive parental waiver is required]
  • Copy of photo ID (passport, driver’s license, student ID, etc.)

Review the Post-Adoption Service Donations to determine which will apply to your individual search request(s).

Upon receipt of your paperwork, a representative of the agency will contact you to discuss your search needs and donation options.

Adoption is a lifelong journey. We look forward to providing the support and encouragement you need as you work through the next chapter of the adoption process.


Amy L. Zauel, LMSW
Director of International Adoption
F&CS Foster Care, Adoption & Counseling Services